ultrasonic coating equipment for semiconductor (lithography), printed circuit boards, fuel cells, solar cells
Uniform Micron-thickness Coatings Cheersonic provides customers with ultrasonic coating equipment for semiconductor (lithography), printed circuit boards, fuel cells, solar cells, advanced batteries and nanotechnology applications involving conductive layers. Cheersonic has a strong technical background in ultrasonic coating equipment and has a good track record. Ultrasonic spraying can provide uniform micron-thickness coatings, which is usually not possible with other spraying techniques. Cheersonic is a professional manufacturer in the development and application of liquid ultrasonic atomization technology into nozzle systems and spraying and coating application systems. Compared to conventional pressure spraying methods, the company’s ultrasonic nozzles do not clog, reduce liquid usage, waste, and environmental impact while achieving much more precise, uniform, thin film coatings. Cheersonic is continually developing new applications for its unique technology, repl...